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My Toxic Baby


A personal, introspective look at the chemical-laden environment we live in today, something filmmaker Min Sook Lee hardly thought about until Song Ji, her daughter, was born. BPA. Lead. Melamine. Lee brings us this intimate and alarming look at the numerous toxins found in baby’s products and environment. As a new mom, Lee shares her anxieties as she struggles to protect her young daughter, Song Ji, from our chemical world.


  • Video Librarian
    Filmmaker and new mother Min Sook Lee finds carcinogens and neurotoxins in nearly everything that touches her young daughter’s life… Recommended.
  • Educational Media Reviews Online
    Work[s] as an awareness-raising tool and is recommended for public library collections with child care, parenting or environmental studies interests.

Festival Participation

  • | Kos International Health Film Festival | Planet Report Environmental Film Festival | New Asia Film Festival | Earth Day Film Festival | Going Green Film Festival | Anchorage International Film Festival | Guelph Festival of Moving Media | Toronto International Film Festival

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