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To See You Again (Volverte a ver)


Over a decade ago, the Mexican government declared war on organized crime, leading to the deaths of an estimated 360,000 people since 2006. While searching for their missing loved ones, mothers in Morelos discovered mass graves in Jojutla and Tetelcingo, exposing government complicity. Lina, Angy, Edith, and others exhumed over 200 bodies, revealing a chilling reality: Mexican authorities were involved in the disappearances. This documentary follows these courageous women as they train in forensic science, uncovering the truth and showcasing their solidarity and tenacity.

Festival Participation

  • Cinema Planeta, Mexico
    Audience Award
  • Colombia Human Rights Int’l Film Festival, Colombia
    Best Feature Documentary Feature
  • José Rovirosa Award
    Best Mexican Documentary
  • Doqumenta International Film Festival, Mexico
    Special Mention
  • DocsMx International Film Festival, Mexico
    Special Mention
  • Zanate Festival, Mexico - 2020
    Best Documentary
  • Sheffield DocFest
  • Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara
  • DocsMX International Documentary Film Festival
  • Mexico City Independent Film Fest
  • Nepal Human Rights International Film Festival
  • Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival, China
  • Hola Mexico International Film Festival, US
  • Festival Internacional de Cine de la No-Violencia Activa (FICNOVA), Spain
  • Festival Internacional de Cine de Gijon, Spain
  • Rodando Film Festival, Mexico
  • Equis Festival de Cine Feminista, Equador
  • Tenemos Que Ver – Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos de Uruguay

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