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The Invisible Extinction (Events, TV version)


Two globetrotting microbiologists, Gloria Dominguez-Bello and Marty Blaser, race to save our vanishing microbes before it’s too late. The Invisible Extinction joins them on this urgent quest from the USA to Venezuela, China, Israel, and Switzerland, revealing how the overuse of antibiotics, elective C-sections, and processed foods are driving the destruction of our inner ecology, which is happening even faster than climate change.
At the same time, the film tells the stories of three patients, in the USA and China, who suffer from life-threatening diseases triggered by microbial loss and are trying experimental treatments that hold hope. As the Covid-19 pandemic hits, Marty pivots to focus on how our microbes may help protect us from the virus and future pandemics,


  • WeekendNotes Australia
    "A must-watch, especially for the sake of our health and that of our families"
  • The Lancet
    "A captivating and comprehensive documentary...a message of hope for our internal ecosystems"
    Hollie Sherwood-Martin
  • People
    "Scientists Raise Alarm About Threats to the Human Microbiome in New Documentary 'The Invisible Extinction'"
    Stephanie Emma Pfeffer
  • The Philadelphia Inquirer
    "These microbiome experts at Rutgers warn of an 'invisible extinction' that's harming human health"
    Tom Avril
  • The NYC Movie Guru
    "Captivating, eye-opening and insightful documentary about the importance of good microbes for our body's immune system. Just the right balance between entertaining the audience and provoking them emotionally as well as intellectually."
    Avi Offer

Festival Participation

  • CPH:DOX - 2022
    Official Selection
  • Melbourne Documentary Film Festival - 2023
  • Prague Sciense Film Fest - 2022
  • Illuminate Film Festival - 2022
    Winner Director's Choice
  • Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF) - 2022
    Gullugen Award Nominee
  • Pariscience International Science Film Festival - 2022
  • Global Science Film Festival (Switzerland) - 2023
    Special Mention
  • imagine Science Film Festival - 2022

Additional Materials

Distribution Company

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