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Shot In the Arm


In the spring of 2019, Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Scott Hamilton Kennedy began investigating a global measles epidemic. He filmed with both top public health officials working to halt the epidemic and ‘anti-vaxxers’ who were persuading millions of parents to refuse vaccines for their children. Then COVID-19 happened. Acting quickly, Kennedy shifted his focus to this once-in-a-century tragedy. Both skeptical and hopeful, SHOT IN THE ARM, executive produced by Neil deGrasse Tyson, asks one of the most pressing questions of our time: can we replace cynicism with healthy curiosity and bridge the divides that make us sick?


  • The NYC Movie Guru
    Provocative and timely ... has as much nuance as a Michael Moore film
    Avi Offer
  • Overly Honest Reviews
    This film is poised to stir the cauldron of public discourse, expertly piloted by Kennedy, a compelling watch
    Chris Jones

Festival Participation

  • Palm Springs International Film Festival - 2023
    Nominee Best Documentary

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Distribution Company

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