Streaming Access
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Roll Red Roll Toolkit


Developed by the nationally recognized Roll Red Roll impact campaign and in collaboration with a coalition of experts, this toolkit is a resource that prepares coaches, administrators, and counselors to discuss sexual assault prevention simply and clearly with student athletes, and teach them how they can play an active role in rape prevention.

The toolkit includes 4 different Thematic Tracks (see below), covering the major themes raised in the film; an Overall Discussion Guide (see below), that lists all of these themes, the scenes that relate to them and suggestions for discussion; and the 14 associated Video Clips referenced in the guides.

Toolkit Guide

  • The guides can be approached in a few different ways according to what works best for the time you have or the subject matter you wish to focus on.
    Each section listed within the guide further describes in detail a breakdown of how you can use different methods to approach your conversation about sexual assault prevention.
    The section of the guide titled Sample Sessions is helpful to use if you are unable to watch the film in one sitting. For that purpose it divides the film chronologically into five main parts, in case you are watching the film in parts as you move forward and is one way of covering a good amount of ground in a limited number of sessions.
  • .

  • Other Purchase Options

  • PPR license
    of the full film, for non-profit, educational screenings
  • Full Feature streaming license
    of the 81' version alone
  • Combined streaming license
    of the Full Film (81') & Toolkit

Toolkit Downloads

  • Toolkit Guide for College Educators
  • Track: Sport Culture
    Clips 1, 3, 8-12, 4-6, 13, 14
  • Track: Technology and Sexual Violence
    Clips 1, 3, 4-6, 13, 7, 14
  • Track: Engaging Men and Boys
    Clips 1, 3, 8-12, 4-6, 13, 7, 14
  • Track: Supporting Survivors and Movement Building
    Clips 1, 3, 4-6, 13, 7, 14

Additional Materials

Distribution Company

ROCO Films Logo
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