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Poverty, Inc.


The West has positioned itself as the protagonist of development, giving rise to a vast multi-billion dollar poverty industry — the business of doing good has never been better. Yet the results have been mixed, in some cases even catastrophic, and leaders in the developing world are growing increasingly vocal in calling for change.
From TOMs Shoes to international adoptions, from solar panels to U.S. agricultural subsidies, the film challenges each of us to ask the tough question: Could I be part of the problem?


  • Andres Jimenez, Waging Non-Violence [Costa Rica]
    “A powerful and uncompromising film that strikes at the core of the traditional understanding of development and international assistance.”
  • Dany Masado, Health Professional [Cameroon]
    "You made me so proud to be an African woman. Thank you for the brutal but necessary and empowering truth."
  • Philip Sansone, Executive Director of the Whole Planet Foundation [USA]
    "This documentary will be required viewing for our entire team."

Festival Participation

  • Anthem Film Festival
    FreedomFest Grand Prize
  • Bahamas International Film Festival
    Best Documentary
  • Austin Film Festival
  • Chicago International Social Change Film Festival
  • San Luis Obispo International Film Festival
  • Thessoloniki Documentary Film Festival
  • World Unite Film Festival

Additional Materials

Distribution Company

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