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Driven by a desire to understand why her best friend killed herself at 16, Jacqueline Monetta asks teens to share their struggles with mental illness and suicide attempts. Through her intimate teen-to-teen conversations, Jacqueline, and the audience learn about depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicide attempts, getting help and treating mental illness. Each teen paints a vivid picture of the depths of despair he/she suffered and how talking about it saved them. They assure the audience that mental illnesses, like physical illnesses, can and should be treated.


  • The Huffington Post
    Not Alone gives a voice to those otherwise silenced by the stigma surrounding mental health. In the film, ten incredibly selfless teenagers share the truths about their mental illness and the support that helped them get through their pain.
    Jacqueline Monetta
  • Edutopia (George Lucas Educational Foundation)
    Each interviewee indicates that suicide can be prevented. The openness of the dialogues in the film, the accessibility of these kids, and their understanding of the problem grabbed and held me.
    Mark Phillips
  • Marin Independent Journal
    The film 'Not Alone' highlights frank conversation from the perspective of local teens, thereby helping to remove the stigma associated with suicide and mental health issues
    Keri Brenner
  • KFGO Radio
    Powerful Documentary on Teen Depression & Suicide Coming to the Fargo Theatre. Everyone should see it!
    Amy Iler
  • Suicide Risk in the Bay Area
    "Not Alone is straight talk on youth suicide risk and the many things family, friends, educators, and communities can do to interrupt the tragic spiral leading to an entirely preventable cause of death. The documentary stands in contrast to popular TV series on youth suicide that present inaccurate, glorifying depictions of depression and hopelessness unhelpful to the cause of suicide prevention. I recommend Not Alone highly."
    Dr. Eli Merritt
  • Marilyn Arundel, Dean of Faculty and Academics
    "The documentary Not Alone provided a backdrop for dialogue on the difficult issue of teen suicide. The opportunity for the entire school community to hear together first-hand accounts of young people who have struggled with mental health issues like anxiety and depression opened the door to conversations about this often taboo topic. Insights were gained both by students who have experienced similar challenges as well as those who have witnessed friends in similar struggles. Parents, faculty and staff expressed gratitude for the unique opportunity our students had to view this very powerful documentary."
  • American Society for the Positive Care of Children
    More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, combined.

Festival Participation

  • Mill Valley Film Festival - 2017
  • St. Louis International Film Festival - 2017

Additional Materials

Distribution Company

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