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Music From the Inside Out (FT)


Filmed over a period of five years on three continents, the film is the result of the collaboration between the filmmaker and the musicians themselves. Unique in style and approach, the main character of this film is music itself. An eclectic soundtrack incorporates a blend of well-loved musical works-including classical, jazz, bluegrass, salsa and world music.
It is about the many people within one musical ensemble, it is ultimately a personal musical journey. Each musician’s story reveals a struggle to maintain individuality, to test musical boundaries and to choose the path of an artist.


  • “…energy and enthusiasm triumph in "Music From the Inside Out.”
    Russell Edwards, VARIETY

    “Daniel Anker's profound and moving documentary "Music from the Inside Out" reflects upon such abstractions, capturing the power of the creative process in an uncommonly perceptive and inspiring way.”
    Laura Kern, NEW YORK TIMES

    “Anker poses a question — what is music? — and proceeds through interviews with the musicians and performances to illuminate the art form as well as the passion that drives its practitioners. Whether analyzing the intricacies of music or explaining how it fills their lives, the musicians are charming, intelligent and articulate ambassadors for their field.”
    Kevin Crust, L.A. TIMES

    “The film is a revealing portrait of painfully withdrawn artists navigating the tug between the divine harmony of an orchestral synthesis and the sweaty glow of individual experimentation.”
    R. Emmet Sweeney, THE VILLAGE VOICE

    "This film moved me to the absolute core of my being. It took several minutes to regain my composure."
    Michael W. Udow, Professor of Music, University of Michigan

Festival Participation

  • International Documentary Association - 2004
    Nominated for IDA Award for Best Feature Documentary
  • Sidney Film Festival, Australia - 2004
  • Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, USA - 2004
  • Silverdocs Documentary Film Festival, USA - 2004
  • Vallalodid International Film Festival, Spain - 2004
  • Skip-City Festival, Japan - 2004
  • Wisconsin Film Festival, USA - 2006

Additional Materials

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