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Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media


This film showcases Noam Chomsky, one of America’s leading linguists and political dissidents. It also illustrates his message of how government and big media businesses cooperate to produce an effective propaganda machine in order to manipulate the opinions of the United States populous. The key example for this analysis is the simultaneous events of the massive coverageby the New York Times of the communist atrocities of Khmer Rouge regime of Cambodia and the suppression of news of the US supported Indonesian invasion and subjugation of East Timor.


  • Emanuel Levy
    A long, fascinating docu about the noted MIT professor and his lifelong work about propaganda in American society, or more specifically how the mass media set the agenda by selecting, distorting, framing--and also ignoring--major social issues.
  • Cole Smithey
  • Time Out
    Thoroughly engrossing.

Festival Participation

  • Chicago International Film Festival - 1992
    Gold Hugo
  • Toronto International Film Festival - 1992
    Best Canadian Feature Film - Special Jury Citation
  • Vancouver International Film Festival - 1992
    Most Popular Canadian Film
  • Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival - 1993
    Robert and Frances Flaherty Prize

Additional Materials

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