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Life Is Sacred


Violence is a fact of everyday life in Colombia, where the drug cartels have kept the country in an armed conflict for decades, and where almost all families have lost a loved one.
The unorthodox presidential candidate Antanas Mockus does all he can to reverse the vicious circle with an imaginative and positive election campaign. His idealism is both his strength and his weakness in a corrupt political system, where the people have lost faith in being able to make a difference.
An inspiring man, and an inspiring story, whose points are relevant far beyond Colombia’s borders.


  • The Hollywood Reporter
    If anyone doubted that idealism has a place in politics, then Life is Sacred winningly shows that it can
  • Video Librarian
    Dalsgaard shows how Mockus's actions would come to have a positive effect on the 2014 election... Highly recommended.
  • CultureFly
    Dalsgaard’s absorbing film shows that even against apparently insurmountable odds, change can happen. You just need to be a little bit more Mockus.

Festival Participation

  • CPH:DOX - 2014
    World Premiere
  • 2morrow Moscow IFF - 2015
  • ZagrebDox - 2015
  • Istanbul Festival of Independent Films - 2015
  • One World One World Human Rights FF (Prague) - 2015
  • Miami IFF - 2015
    Knight Documentary Achievement Award
  • Human Rights Watch FF (London) - 2015
  • Vilnius IFF - 2015
    Audience Award
  • Docs Against Gravity FF (Warsaw) - 2015
  • Docsbarcelona - 2015
  • Sydney FF - 2015
  • Yangon Human Rights FF - 2015
  • New York Human Rights Watch FF - 2015

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