The fascinating story of the special friendship forged between two women: Perla Ubitsch, the last remnant of a family of dwarfs that survived Dr. Mengele’s cruel experiments in Auschwitz, and researcher Hannelore Witkovsky a German Protestant born after the war. Filmed in both Germany and Israel, we accompany Hannelore on her quest to find a lost film made by Dr. Mengele featuring Perla and her siblings.
Keeping the film’s theme in mind and out of respect for Perla and Hannelore, we were very careful not make a “shocking exposé” about “dwarves”. I believed the director should have a minor presence – in fact, that he should be transparent – so that the heroes could tell their story in their own, special way.”
By Mette Hjort
Wayne State University Press (2012)
By Alice Domurat Drege
Harvard University Press (2005)
“In one of the most disturbing moments of Liebe Perla, Ovitz remembers Mengele with a sort of gratitude.’I can’t say anything bad about him,’ she confesses, pointing out that Mengele’s interest in her family’s anatomy led him to become, in a way, their protector.”