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Kick Out Your Boss (AUT)


The way we work is changing radically. With over 197 million unemployed people worldwide, those who are in work often suffer extreme burnout as a result of their jobs. Companies across the world are beginning to find alternative work and company structures. This revolutionary restructuring of work is already changing the lives of countless employees across the planet. Exploring examples in Brazil, Serbia and Austria, this film illustrates new systems of work: workers’ participation, profit-sharing and abolition of hierarchy.


  • ORF
    Calmly and engagingly explains how systems can be broken up to create something new.
  • derStandard
    An involving and compelling argument.
  • Kleine Zeitung
    A complex and complex documentary that could very well change your life.

Festival Participation

  • Planete+ Doc Film Festival
  • Diagonale
  • Millenium International Documentary Film Festival

Distribution Company

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