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Investigating Journalism

Media and communications are crucial to the dissemination and exploration of new pivotal ideas. These films explore the central role of journalism in shaping our relationship to the world around us.

Explore our top films

White Noise
The definitive inside story of the alt-right, following movement leaders as they ride a wave of racist ideas to viral fame
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 94 min.
Year of production: 2020
That Which I Love Destroys Me
This unique and powerful film follows two Special Operations soldiers as they struggle with PTSD and reintegrating back into society in an uncensored look at the current epidemic of PTSD and severe mental trauma that create tremendous challenges for returning service members
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 68 min.
Year of production: 2015
Isis, Tomorrow. The Lost Souls of Mosul
Isis, Tomorrow traces the months of war through the voices of the children of militiamen trained to become suicide bombers, but also of their victims and those who fought them.
Language: Arabic (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 80 min.
Year of production: 2018
The Cleaners
Enter a hidden third world shadow industry of digital cleaning, where the Internet rids itself of what it doesn't like: violence, pornography and political content.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 95 min.
Year of production: 2018
Allah in Europe
What is the future of Islam in Europe? How hopeful can we be of an European, enlightened version of Islam, and will it be possible to overcome the Europeans’ distrust of Islam?
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 8x42 min.
Year of production: 2018
The 50 Year Argument
Told through the inimitable documentary style of Martin Scorsese, The 50 Year Argument rides the waves of literary, political and cultural history as charted by its subject: the influential and renowned publication The NY Review of Books.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 96 min.
Year of production: 2014
Cartel Land
The riveting stories of two modern-day vigilante groups and their shared enemy - the murderous drug cartels.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 80 min.
Year of production: 2015
The Islands and the Whales
The North Atlantic Faroe Islanders relied on whale hunting for survival and tradition. But polluted oceans now make whales toxic, endangering their health. What once sustained them now threatens their children, forcing the Faroese to choose between tradition and safety
Director: Mike Day
Language: Danish, English, Faroese (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 81 min.
Year of production: 2016
Putin’s Shadow War (Series)
The extent of Russia's secret activities in the Nordics will surprise most people. The potential to undermine our democracies is a latent threat that requires the public's attention
Language: Norwegian (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 3 x 60 min.
Year of production: 2023
Far from the Tree
From The New York Times best seller and "10 Best Books" Honoree Andrew Solomon
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 93 min.
Year of production: 2018
Life Is Sacred
The fearless Colombian philosopher-politician-teacher Antanas Mockus and his followers struggle for peace in a country with the longest running internal conflict in the world. This is a story about 4 years that changed a country forever.
Language: Spanish (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 80 min.
Year of production: 2014
The Grab
An investigative journalist uncovers the money, influence, and alarming rationale behind covert efforts to control the most vital resource on the planet, in the latest exposé from filmmaker Gabriela Cowperthwaite (Blackfish)
Language: English, Lela (C'lela), Russian, Ukrainian (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 104 min.
Year of production: 2022