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Dive into the intricacies of global social and political systems through films explaining history, international relations, global conflict, and the dynamics of contemporary political science.

Explore our top films

The Grab
An investigative journalist uncovers the money, influence, and alarming rationale behind covert efforts to control the most vital resource on the planet, in the latest exposé from filmmaker Gabriela Cowperthwaite (Blackfish)
Language: English, Lela (C'lela), Russian, Ukrainian (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 104 min.
Year of production: 2022
Praying for Armageddon

Praying for Armageddon, a compelling documentary, unveils the alarming influence of U.S. fundamentalist Evangelicals on American politics and foreign policy. The film explores their quest to fulfill the Armageddon prophecy, emphasizing the role of megachurch pastors and politicians. It exposes how their beliefs shape U.S. policy towards Israel and Palestine, fueling conflict in the Middle East. This striking exploration reveals the dangerous blend of faith and politics, threatening U.S. democracy and global peace.

A political thriller that that goes inside the U.S. fundamentalist Evangelicals, revealing their power and influence on U.S. foreign policy, as they aim to fulfill the Armageddon prophecy and ultimately destroy our civilization
Language: Arabic, English, Hebrew (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 104 min.
Year of production: 2023
Beyond Utopia
A suspenseful look at the lengths people will go to gain freedom, BEYOND UTOPIA embeds with a courageous pastor as he works tirelessly to guide various individuals attempting to flee one of the most oppressive places on Earth: North Korea
Language: English, Korean (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 116 min.
Year of production: 2023
The Chocolate War
Twenty years ago, the world's biggest chocolate giants signed an agreement to work toward abolishing child slavery. However, frequent reports show that the issue remains to this day
Director: Miki Mistrati
Language: English, French (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 84 min.
Year of production: 2022
Dolores Huerta fought tirelessly alongside Chavez for racial and labor justice and became one of the most defiant feminists of the twentieth century. The fight continues...
Director: Peter Bratt
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 96 min.
Year of production: 2017
Inequality For All
A powerful exposé of how the widening income gap has a devastating impact on the American economy
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 86 min.
Year of production: 2013
Putin’s Shadow War (Series)
The extent of Russia's secret activities in the Nordics will surprise most people. The potential to undermine our democracies is a latent threat that requires the public's attention
Language: Norwegian (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 3 x 60 min.
Year of production: 2023
Kiss the Ground
Narrated and featuring Woody Harrelson, "Kiss the Ground" is an inspiring and groundbreaking film that reveals the first viable solution to our climate crisis
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 84 / 47 min.
Year of production: 2020
Hero. Icon. Dissenter. RBG explores the life and career of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 98 min.
Year of production: 2018
John Lewis: Good Trouble
A fascinating look into the life and times of U.S representative and activist, John Lewis. Using interviews and rare archival footage the film delivers an intimate account of Lewis's legacy and contribution to the Civil Rights Movement
Director: Dawn Porter
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 98 min.
Year of production: 2020
Lakota Nation vs. United States
The Lakota people's ongoing fight to reclaim the Black Hills is explored, focusing on U.S. treaty violations, land dispossession, and Indigenous resistance through historical and legal perspectives.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 130 min.
Year of production: 2022
Based on recently declassified files, Oscar-nominated filmmaker Sam Pollard explores the US government's surveillance and harassment of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Director: Sam Pollard
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 106 min.
Year of production: 2020
Storm Lake
A dogged family-run paper in Iowa gives citizens the scoop on forces threatening to overwhelm their precarious small-town existence.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 85 min.
Year of production: 2021
White Noise
The definitive inside story of the alt-right, following movement leaders as they ride a wave of racist ideas to viral fame
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 94 min.
Year of production: 2020
As the nation faces the end of Roe v. Wade, follow three women leading formidable anti-abortion organizations to witness the enormous influence they wield at the intersection and future of abortion and politics in America.
Director: Cynthia Lowen
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 103 min.
Year of production: 2022
It takes a village to unite the most divided people on earth. Budrus shines a light on people who choose nonviolence to confront a threat.
Director: Julia Bacha
Language: English, Hebrew (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 82 min.
Year of production: 2010
The 8th
The 8th traces Ireland’s campaign to remove the 8th Amendment – a constitutional ban on abortion, forging a new progressive path when reproductive rights are threatened all over the world
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 95 min.
Year of production: 2020
A young and charismatic leader takes on the corrupt ruling party in Zimbabwe’s 2018 presidential election
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 120 min.
Year of production: 2021
OYATE elevates the voices of Indigenous People , in the wake of the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests, as they are using their newfound platform to shed light on the wide array of injustices committed against them in an effort to embark upon the process of decolonization.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 91 min.
Year of production: 2022
RUTH – Justice Ginsburg in Her Own Words
The improbable story of how Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who couldn’t get a job after graduating at the top of her law class, became a revered Justice of the Supreme Court and icon for gender equality and human rights
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 89 min.
Year of production: 2021
We Are Legion
The Story of the Hacktavists
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 93 min.
Year of production: 2012
Where does someone turn when facing an unplanned pregnancy? The film is a window into the enigmatic centers that some call “pregnancy resource centers” and others call “fake clinics.”
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 81 Min.
Year of production: 2023
Slay the Dragon
A secretive, high-tech gerrymandering initiative launched 10 years ago threatens to undermine our democracy. Slay the Dragon follows everyday people as they fight to make their votes matter.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 104 min.
Year of production: 2019
Riotsville, U.S.A.
Welcome to Riotsville, U.S.A., a fictional town built by the U.S. military in the 1960s, where military and police were trained to respond to civil disorder
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 91 min.
Year of production: 2022
BELLINGCAT: Truth in a Post Truth World
BELLINGCAT – TRUTH IN A POST-TRUTH WORLD explores the promise of open source investigation, taking viewers inside the exclusive world of the “citizen investigative journalist” collective known as Bellingcat.
Director: Hans Pool
Language: Arabic, English, German, Russian (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 89 min.
Year of production: 2018
The Price of Freedom
The NRA's deadly war on gun reform
Director: Judd Ehrlich
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 96 min.
Year of production: 2021
With U.S. abortion clinics are fighting to survive, what remains of a woman's right to choose?
Director: Dawn Porter
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 83 min.
Year of production: 2016
The Big Scary “S” Word
THE BIG SCARY “S” WORD delves into the rich history of the American socialist movement and journeys with the people striving to build a socialist future today
Director: Yael Bridge
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 82 min.
Year of production: 2020