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Inside the Chinese Closet


The intricate tale of Andy and Cherry looking for love and happiness in Shanghai. They are homosexual but their families demand a (heterosexual) marriage and a baby from them. Because being single and childless would mean an unacceptable loss of face for their rural families in the remote countryside where they live. Will Andy and Cherry deny their happiness and sexual orientation to satisfy their parents’ wishes? Their stories mirror the legal and cultural progress that is happening in China against the backdrop of a nation coming to terms with new moral values.


  • Dog and Wolf
    Sophia Luvara creates an intimate documentary of gentle honesty, Inside The Chinese Closet revealing a hidden community in Chinese society brought delicately to light.

Festival Participation

  • IDFA - 2015
  • Berlinale, Germany - 2015
    Nominated for TEDDY AWARD
  • Human Rights Watch Film Festival - 2105

Additional Materials

Distribution Company

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