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French Collection

Explore our curated collection of contemporary French art and culture, featuring a diverse range of innovative and influential works

Explore our top films

A Guide to Love and Fighting Capitalism
Monique and Michel Pinçon-Charlot, French sociologists renowned for studying the uber-rich, have been in love for over fifty years, enjoying retirement in Paris suburbs. Yet, they can't rest when there's capitalism to challenge.
Language: French (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 92 min.
Year of production: 2022
Sabine Weiss, One Century of Photography
Sabine Weiss (1924-2021) created a monumental body of work: thousands of faces, top fashion collections, and global photo reports. As a 20th-century witness focusing on society's margins, she was a Humanist photography icon. This film captures her final words and legacy.
Language: French (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 58 min.
Year of production: 2022
The Life Ahead of Us: Another Face of Immigration
In the 60s and 70s, France's booming economy led to a labor shortage, ending the coal mines' golden era. Officer Félix Mora recruited 80,000 Moroccan men for low-wage, dangerous work. Many settled in France, becoming citizens. This film offers a nuanced view of immigration.
Language: Arabic, French (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 54 min.
Year of production: 2022
Bambi, a French Woman
From birth in Algiers, Marie-Pierre wanted to wear dresses, rejecting her given name, Jean-Pierre. At 17, discovering a drag show changed her life. Becoming Bambi, she became a cabaret legend in 50s and 60s Paris.
Language: French (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 83 min.
Year of production: 2021