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American History Association Collection

A curated selection of historical documentaries chosen by the American Historical Association.

Explore our top films

Lakota Nation vs. United States
The Lakota people's ongoing fight to reclaim the Black Hills is explored, focusing on U.S. treaty violations, land dispossession, and Indigenous resistance through historical and legal perspectives.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 130 min.
Year of production: 2022
Twelve years in the making, SHOAH is Lanzmann’s monumental epic on the Holocaust and features interviews with survivors, bystanders and perpetrators in 14 countries
Language: English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Polish (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 274+293 min.
Year of production: 1985
Bending the Arc
In the 1980s, three young people barely out of their teens began a movement that would change global health forever. Bending the Arc tells their story.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 102 min.
Year of production: 2017
Cathedrals of Culture
"If buildings could talk, what would they say about us?" This 3D film project about the soul of buildings allows six iconic and very different buildings to speak for themselves.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 6 x 26 min.
Year of production: 2014
Vienna’s Lost Daughters
The exceptional story of eight women who left their native Vienna during the war as part of the Kinder Transport and remade their lives in New York City
Director: Mirjam Unger
Language: English, German (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 87 min.
Year of production: 2007
I Am a Woman Now
The story of the first generation of transsexuals, as told by five women who underwent gender-affirming surgery in 1950s Casablanca.
Language: Dutch, English, French, German (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 86/55 min.
Year of production: 2011
John Lewis: Good Trouble
A fascinating look into the life and times of U.S representative and activist, John Lewis. Using interviews and rare archival footage the film delivers an intimate account of Lewis's legacy and contribution to the Civil Rights Movement
Director: Dawn Porter
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 98 min.
Year of production: 2020
OYATE elevates the voices of Indigenous People , in the wake of the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests, as they are using their newfound platform to shed light on the wide array of injustices committed against them in an effort to embark upon the process of decolonization.
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 91 min.
Year of production: 2022
Dolores Huerta fought tirelessly alongside Chavez for racial and labor justice and became one of the most defiant feminists of the twentieth century. The fight continues...
Director: Peter Bratt
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 96 min.
Year of production: 2017
Death and the Maiden
Shortly after World War II, over 1000 paintings were found in a Cellar in southern France, by a Young-Jewish artist called Charlotte Salomon
Director: Yael Lotem
Language: English, Hebrew (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 30 min.
Year of production: 2014
The Art of Museums (series)
Blurring the boundaries between entertainment and high culture, this series takes the viewer into a fine selection of world’s most renowned museums.
Language: English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 8x52 min.
Year of production: 2018
Arts and Culture
The Look of Silence
In this highly-anticipated companion to The Act of Killing, Joshua Oppenheimer offers another haunting look at the Indonesian genocide, this time from the perspective of the victims.
Language: Indonesian, Javanese (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 99 min.
Year of production: 2014
The Case Against 8
A behind-the-scenes look inside the historic case to overturn California's ban on same-sex marriage. The high-profile trial first makes headlines with the unlikely pairing of Ted Olson and David Boies, political foes who last faced off as opposing attorneys in Bush v. Gore
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 112 min.
Year of production: 2013
Scottsboro: An American Tragedy
The history of the "Scottsboro Boys," a group of African American men who were victims of a racist miscarriage of justice that became a national controversy.
Director: Barak Goodman
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 84 min.
Year of production: 2000
Driving While Black
A ground-breaking examination of the history of African Americans on the road from the early 1900’s through the 1960’s and beyond - a crucial window on issues of class, automobile culture, discrimination and national identity
Language: English (with full English subtitles available)
Running Time: 57 + 69 min.
Year of production: 2020