Higher Education

Expand your Knowledge and Your Library

Meet your content demands with our flexible streaming options, designed to help you thoughtfully curate your media collections and deliver a streamlined experience to students.

An Exclusive Collection of Documentaries

In keeping pace with today’s media consumption, you need educational content you can trust. Discover an exclusive collection of independent documentary films, carefully curated to meet academic standards and deepen learning.
From versatile, interdisciplinary titles to global perspectives that reveal nuance and new ideas, our films are hand-chosen to support your curriculum or research.
Meet your content demands with our flexible streaming options, designed to help you thoughtfully curate your media collections and deliver a streamlined experience to students.

Streaming Service Features

  • Unlimited number of viewings for students on your campus network
  • No student registration required
  • On and off-campus access via IP & proxy authentication
  • Support for OpenAthens, EZproxy, and VPN login
  • Admin panel for usage statistics and reporting
  • Downloadable MARC Records

Among Our Valued Customers
NYU Stanford University Nanyang Technological University
Yale Princeton Oxford University of Toronto