True/False Selection
In this curated collection Paul Sturtz and David Wilson, the directors of True/False Film Festival, will explore the complexity and fabrication of the documentary form. -
Performative Documentaries
This collection is dedicated to films which explore and emphasize the notion of performance. -
History, Memory, Reenactment
The films in this collection strive to bring to our attention highly contested and still bleeding histories. -
Can a documentary acutely affect the reality which it documents? What impact is carried by the act of recording? -
Reflection on the State of Impunity
This curation, made especially for the IRCT 2014 campaign, reflects on the disturbing condition of impunity: the impossibility of reconciliation, and the absence of justice.
India in the Age of Inequality
In this collection, Arjun Shankar explores the documentation of inequality in the rapidly developing India, inquiring into these films' positioning of an 'ethnographer's eye'.
Classics Collection
Film Platform is very proud to open a section for these classic docs, curated by Jan Rofekamp. Because of very wide exposure and appreciation over these many years have become classics.