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Something Better to Come


Something Better To Come is an extraordinary, thirteen-year personal journey set in one of the bleakest urban places in the world: a large “svalka” (garbage dump) just 13 miles away from Red Square, Moscow. People struggle to live there, including eleven-year-old Yula, our protagonist. We follow Yula until she is twenty-five. In spite of the terrible conditions there, people still laugh, love, support and help each other in the face of horrible adversity. Finally one day she breaks out and leaves the garbage dump in search of a new life, a normal life.


    As remarkable as it is tragic. Eye-opening.
    Eye-opening. Sequences of spectacularly dystopian-apocalyptic, third-world bleakness are leavened by moments of incongruous beauty, even grace.
  • Mark Adams, SCREEN DAILY
    A strikingly visceral and plaintively moving documentary that is arresting right from its first powerful moments.
  • Matt Micucci, CINECOLA
    The impact of this documentary is immediate and shocking. Takes us into a setting that is so difficult to understand…that it may as well be a post apocalyptic one. Feels very real throughout. A delightful discovery of a tight knit community whose solidarity in this nightmare called life is truly heartwarming.
  • Joshua Oppenheimer, Oscar-Nominated filmmaker of The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence, in THE GUARDIAN
    My most powerful experience of nonfiction cinema this year was Something Better to Come.

Festival Participation

  • International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, Netherlands - 2014
    Special Jury Award
  • Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, Greece - 2015
  • Trieste Film Festival, Italy - 2015
    Alpe Adria Cinema Award for Best Documentary
  • Art DocFest Moscow, Russia - 2015
    Grand Prix Award
  • Zagreb Dox, Croatia - 2015
    Special Mention
  • FIFDH, Switzerland - 2015
    Youth Jury Price for Best Creative Documentary
  • EuroDok, Norway - 2015
    Jury Award for Best Documentary
  • One World Festival, Belgium - 2015
    Special Mention
  • Documenta Madrid - 2015
    Second Price of the Jury
  • Doc.fest Munich, Germany - 2015
  • Docs Against Gravity, Poland - 2015
    Millennium Award for Best Feature Documentary
  • Gdańsk DocFilm Festival, Poland - 2015
    Best Cinematography Award
  • Documentary Edge Festival, New Zealand - 2015
    Best International Feature Award
  • Valetta Film Festival, Malta - 2015
    Best Documentary Award
  • Pärnu International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival, Estonia - 2015
    Estonian People’s Choice Award

Additional Materials

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