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Sleepless in New York


Often laughed off as nothing more than an affliction of adolescence, lovesickness becomes the topic of a sensitive and compelling documentary film. Christian Frei dives into the frenzied nights of the newly rejected. Nights full of pain and tears, yet also wakefulness and creativity.
Anthropologist Helen Fisher researches the astounding and profound processes that are unfolding in the brain of the lovesick. Has nature overdone it? The film explores the difficult path out of self-destructive obsessive behavior, toward a new self. And it wonders about the unwavering desire – despite it all – for love.

Festival Participation

  • Hot Docs Festival, Canada - 2014
  • Visions du Réel, Switzerland - 2014
  • DOK.fest Munich, Germany - 2014
  • Planete Doc Review, Poland - 2014

Additional Materials

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