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Cat Dancers


Before Siegfried and Roy, there was Ron and Joy Holiday. Cat Dancers is the story of the husband and wife team who became the world’s first exotic cat entertainers in the 1960’s.
Their act and their lives changed dramatically when dashing young Chuck Lizza joined the pair in the 1980’s. In a mysterious, tragic and bizarre roller-coaster tale of love, family, loss and survival, Cat Dancers weaves a tale that is as intriguing and funny as it is heartbreaking.


  • Video Librarian
    "A solid profile that will appeal to doc lovers... Recommended."

Festival Participation

  • IDFA
  • Sheffield Doc/Fest
  • Palm Spring Film Festival
  • Thessaloniki Film Festival
  • Vancouver Film Festival
  • Encounters Film Festival
  • L.A. Film Festival

Additional Materials

Distribution Company

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