
Take Learning to the Next Level with Film Platform

We carefully curated our library, so you can curate yours.
Explore a curated and expanding selection of thought-provoking documentaries from acclaimed filmmakers and distributors

Discover an exclusive, growing collection of thought‑provoking documentaries

With over 900 interdisciplinary films, we expertly curate our collection to meet academic standards and learning needs.
More than 1000 institutions worldwide are utilizing our films as part of coursework, research, professional development, DEI training, and more to diversify their content collections and deliver on learning goals.

More freedom, more choice

As a boutique streaming service, we’re able to offer flexible pricing plans to ensure
you get the content you need and only the content you need.

Find new academic classics to keep on the shelves or purchase today’s most impactful films - only as you need them.

Explore our pricing solutions:

As a trusted partner in education, we serve customers across higher education, secondary school, and organizations dedicated to growth and knowledge sharing.

Let’s work together to meet your learning needs.

Higher Education

Interdisciplinary films for faculty, research, and academic libraries.

K-12 & School Districts

Interdisciplinary films for teachers, school districts, staff, and school libraries.

Nonprofits and Organizations

Films for nonprofits, professional development, DEI, training, and impact teams.
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