Available to stream: March 1, 2022 12:00 am - March 4, 2022 12:00 am PT

Who We Are

A Chronicle of Racism in America
Presented by Community
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Interweaving lecture, personal anecdotes, interviews, and shocking revelations, in WHO WE ARE — A Chronicle of Racism in America, criminal defense/civil rights lawyer Jeffery Robinson draws a stark timeline of anti-Black racism in the United States, from slavery to the modern myth of a post-racial America.


“An urgent and timely documentary. A sounding alarm for America, and the world, to grapple with its original sin. Expertly crafted and beautifully articulated through the lens and words of master storytellers. Could be the very best documentary feature you’ll see this year.” – Clayton Davis, VARIETY

“Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America is meant as a wake-up call to Americans about the truth of their country’s history: Not only is racism still alive and well in the United States, but it’s a fundamental part of the country’s foundation. The film is also a call to action — Robinson makes it clear that it’s up to all Americans to stop the tide of racism in order to put the United States on a better, more equitable path.” – Monique Jones, COMMON SENSE MEDIA

“It’s unlikely that any lecture documentary since “An Inconvenient Truth” has had the galvanizing potential of “Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America” – Ben Kenigsberg, THE NEW YORK TIMES

“Who We Are is a significant work, both for its confrontation of a nation’s troubled past and for its hopeful look to the future.” – Kent Turner, FILM FORWARD

“To hear him speak is to feel his words and learn our shared, collective history. With a wider audience, this film and the Who We Are Project could easily change some hearts and minds. Here’s hoping the film earns that opportunity.” – Michael Ward, SHOULD I SEE IT

“…Jeffery Robinson’s guided tour through the past that anchors and divides his country is the best contextual primer for all those documentaries which came before and, hopefully, will carry on his mission to educate and advocate for change in the future.” – Fionnuala Halligan, SCREEN DAILY

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