Expand Learning Horizons with Film Platform

Educational Streaming for Universities, Schools, and Nonprofits

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Down the Rabbit Hole
There’s an intriguing symbiotic relationship to be found among documentary filmmakers and researchers.
Explore the dynamic interplay between these two realms, where the tools of storytelling collide with the rigor of empirical analysis to cultivate a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world.
Food, Inc. 2:
Come Back for Seconds
Dig into climate and health impacts of corporate food consolidation in the highly anticipated documentary sequel, Food, Inc. 2.
Experience the Magic of
Butterfly in the Sky
The film chronicles the legacy of the cherished PBS children's series 'Reading Rainbow' and its iconic host, LeVar Burton. The show captivated millions, introducing a generation to the joy of reading and making Burton one of television's most beloved hosts.
Limited time offer:
Gratitude Revealed
free for Educators!
From acclaimed filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg, explore the profound impact of mindful appreciation and the mental health benefits of conscious gratitude in building connection and resilience.
Register using this invitation code: GRF-EAC, and enjoy the film!
Ernie & Joe: Crisis Cops:
Free streaming for all U.S. Law Enforcement
Back again by popular demand!
Join the over 1,500 law enforcement agencies utilizing their free access of Ernie & Joe: Crisis Cops. Use the code EJCC-LE23 to register.

Among Our Partners & Clients

Quietly and out of sight, governments, private investors, and mercenaries are seizing food and water resources, threatening entire populations. Positioning themselves as the new OPEC, these groups are setting themselves up as future world powers as they control our world through food instead of oil.
As global food prices hit an all-time high and climate change threatens food industries, this film could not come at a more pertinent time.